Episode 38: Unlock the Power of Bone Density: How OsteoStrong’s 6-Minute Weekly Workout Heals Injuries, Prevents Pain, and Builds Muscle Mass for a Longer, Stronger Life with Founder Kyle Zagrodzky
Building Stronger Bones and Living Pain-Free: The Power of OsteoStrong with Kyle Zagrodzky
Episode Overview:
In this episode, Jenny Jones sits down with Kyle Zagrodzky, founder and CEO of OsteoStrong, to dive into the critical topic of bone density and overall skeletal health. Kyle shares how his revolutionary technology is transforming the way people prevent and reverse bone loss, improve athletic performance, and live pain-free. He discusses the importance of bone density for longevity, common misconceptions about fitness, and how simple, once-a-week sessions at OsteoStrong can yield life-changing results.
Topics Covered:
The Importance of Bone Density:
Bone Density and Longevity: Kyle explains why bone density is crucial not just for avoiding fractures and osteoporosis but also as a foundation for overall longevity and health.
Bone Loss After Age 30: Most people lose 1% of their bone density each year after age 30, with accelerated loss in women during perimenopause.
Athletic Performance: Bone density is also a "secret weapon" for improving athletic performance by strengthening the body’s foundation.
OsteoStrong Technology:
High Impact Force Without Impact: The technology at OsteoStrong simulates high-impact forces on the body, which triggers adaptive responses that strengthen bones, muscles, and joints—without the damaging effects of traditional high-impact activities.
Four Devices for Full-Body Strength: Kyle describes the four patented OsteoStrong machines that target key areas of the body, offering instantaneous biofeedback for the most efficient workout.
One Session a Week: Sessions at OsteoStrong take less than 10 minutes, but the effects on bone density, strength, and pain reduction are significant and long-lasting.
Preventing and Reversing Pain:
Joint and Back Pain Relief: Kyle shares how OsteoStrong can eliminate joint and back pain in as little as 6 to 15 sessions, with benefits lasting long-term.
Real Stories: Kyle talks about his personal journey with chronic pain, including injuries from his 20s, and how OsteoStrong helped him become completely pain-free by age 55.
Health Conditions Tied to Bone Density:
Osteoporosis and Fractures: Learn how OsteoStrong is helping people reverse osteoporosis and prevent fractures, which can drastically impact quality of life and even mortality.
Dementia and Type 2 Diabetes: Kyle discusses emerging research linking bone density to conditions like dementia and diabetes, showing that strong bones play a key role in preventing chronic diseases.
Supplements and Nutrition for Bone Health:
AlgaeCal: Kyle recommends AlgaeCal, a plant-derived calcium supplement, as an ideal choice for building bone density.
Other Key Nutrients: Calcium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, magnesium, and collagen are vital for bone health. Kyle emphasizes that supplements alone are not enough without the right stimulus, which OsteoStrong provides.
Athlete Success Stories:
Tim O’Donnell’s Record-Breaking Ironman Performance: Kyle shares the story of how adding OsteoStrong to Tim O’Donnell’s training regimen helped him set the US record at the 2019 Kona Ironman event.
Pilot Study for NASA: A study conducted by Dr. Anne Sung for NASA revealed significant bone density and strength improvements using OsteoStrong, even for professional powerlifters.
Biohacking and Longevity:
The Definition of a Biohack: Kyle views OsteoStrong as a key biohack, offering maximum health benefits with minimal time commitment, which fits into the busy lifestyles of health-conscious individuals.
Intermittent Fasting and Nutrition: Kyle discusses his personal health routine, which includes intermittent fasting, breath work, and resistance training, along with supplements like Fortigen for amino acid support.
Where to Find Kyle Zagrodzky and OsteoStrong:
OsteoStrong Locations: Available in 14 countries and continuing to expand, with hundreds of locations worldwide.
Speaking Engagements: Kyle will be making a major announcement about OsteoStrong at the upcoming Biohacking Biz event in Phoenix.
Recommended Supplements/Brands:
AlgaeCal: For plant-derived calcium that supports bone density.
Fortigen: A highly absorbable amino acid supplement by Jake Wish Biomedical, perfect for those who want efficient protein intake.
Metformin: Mentioned as a pharmaceutical grade of French lilac, known for blood sugar management.
Fortigen: An amino acid supplement by Jake Wish Biomedical, described as highly absorbable.
EnergyBits: A company that produces algae-based supplements, noted as a good source of nutrients for vegans.
Pulse Electromagnetic Field Mat (PEMF): Kyle mentions using a PEMF mat from PureWave.
BioCharger: A wellness device seen at the OsteoStrong location in Mar Vista.
Calton Nutrition: A supplement company mentioned for creating supplements that don’t conflict with absorption.
Conditions Discussed:
Osteoporosis: How OsteoStrong helps reverse bone loss and prevent fractures.
Chronic Pain: Solutions for joint and back pain without medication or surgery.
Athletic Performance: The role of bone density in enhancing athletic performance.
For more information, visit OsteoStrong or find a location near you. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Biohacker Blondie podcast!
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Disclaimer: This program has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. The comments within this presentation are not be taken as advice or treatment for any condition or disease, and are being presented for the purposes of discussion and education only. The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any health decisions or starting any new treatments.